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One-Idea/One-Action Learning

Yesterday, I attended the Instant Learning Impacts Performance: Creating One-Idea/One-Action Learning Events webinar by Ray Jimenez.

He stressed the use of short, micro-lessons in learning saying that the longer it is the less they learn. Each lesson should be short, quick, provide instant learning, have application, and provide results.

He also noted that in his research he studied how the brain works stating that the mind indexes information by stories and that there is a need to make use of existing knowledge when creating new learning experiences. In creating activities you should always ask questions because they accelerate connections within the brain.

While I would say that this webinar was mostly review and just okay, I did receive some resources that may provide useful in development.

3 minute learning activities It is a pay feature but, they’re doing beta testing which will allow for discounted rates & some free subscriptions. Heres an example of an activity.

I also was able to download a free PDF booklet 101 Tips for Do-It-Yourself eLearning:
Making New Rules in Design and Delivery. If you are interested, email me & I’ll send you a copy.
