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Showing posts from June, 2015

Stripeys in Kaneohe Bay

Stripeys are surprisingly hard to find from my experience. I’ve seen this fish only 2 times in my frequent visits in Kaneohe Bay. Both times it was viewed it in Kaneohe Bay.   Stripeys thrive in brackish water and love mud bottom flats, often hide in mangroves along the shore. They grow up to 6 inches. I’ve heard from others that Kaneohe bay was the only place that I’ve seen this fish Fish description: they are bright yellow with stunning black stripes and are very attractive for the aquarium.   They are easy to kept in captivity, eating a wide range of prepared food and normally get along with most fish. It is a striking looking fish, black stripes continues right into the eye socket area and continues to the tail of the fish.   When they get older the color is less intense and eventually dulls, to a copper color. I love finding this fish whenever I can. Kelly Shishido

Servant Leadership

As we researched learner impact one of the areas that was looked into further was on servant leadership.  Servant leadership is one type of leadership and part of Educational Pathway Milestone 6 which states:  “Demonstrated local and global servant leadership and cultural engagement.”  Before we can demonstrate it at a local and global level we must first have a standard definition, criteria and assessment method.  Our research started looking at this challenging topic and has led to the following: Definition by which states:  “A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid,” servant leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.” Servant Leader Criteria ...

KS Educational Technology Conference

This year’s Ed Tech Conference theme was Hana Pono “to work with purpose/passion.”  The passion was definitely evident in some sessions I attended.  These presenters remind us that we need to choose what we are passionate about and to take action on it.  We all too often get inspired then return to our normal life as we let our inspirations fade away.  Our passions don’t need to change the world they just need to change ourselves.  Here are a couple presenters whose passions have brought positive change to themselves and others.    The Green Bronx Machine The opening keynote speaker this year was Stephen Ritz a South Bronx teacher/administrator who gave a motivating, high energy and inspirational talk on the Green Bronx Machine .  The Green Bronx Machine is an organization founded by Stephen and his students who focus on healthy eating, growing their own vegetables to reach academic success.  The Green Bronx Machine is an inspirat...

Papa Kuʻi ʻai a me Pohaku

As part of our huakaʻi last month to Papahana Kuaola and the opportunity to work in the loʻi, I wanted to continue that thought by sharing my experience of making a papa kuʻi 'ai (poi-pounding board). In 2008 with the encouragement from me and my co-worker, Pili Wong, Earl Kawaʻa offered to teach a papa kuʻi ʻai papa to those of us that were interested in learning what our kūpuna did as a daily way of life. For our kūpuna they had loʻi in their yards and grew their own kalo, the major source of starch in their diet. They steamed it and pounded poi or kept it whole and sliced it and ate it like bread with butter or condensed milk. Kawaʻa was very specific on our kuleana and the commitment he required of us. Our first task was to find an au koʻi (handle) for our koʻi (adze tool). I found myself suddenly looking up at every tree I saw looking for the right branch for my koʻi. My husband found mine at a jobsite from a Haole Koa tree otherwise known as ...