Presentation is based off of Project Tomorrow Data and inviting current practitioners.
Digital Advance Team Trends
Students power down to go to school, power up at the end of the day. Digital divide is getting larger. Students want to use their own devices at school with less restrictions (firewalls, rules, etc.)
Panel Discussion:
PDF of presentation: \\Ksfs1\educ\EED\DL\VSDL_Programs\Webinars\090819_mobiledevicesininstruction.pdf
Archived Presentation
Additional Resource - Trends Update on Online Learning Presentation:
Digital Advance Team Trends
- The mobile learner
- It's a Web 2.0 World
- "I'll take a class to go!"
- The ultimate online textbook
- Exploring STEM careers
Students power down to go to school, power up at the end of the day. Digital divide is getting larger. Students want to use their own devices at school with less restrictions (firewalls, rules, etc.)
Panel Discussion:
- Baltimore County Public Schools
- Onslow County School District
- Paradise Valley Unified School District - - setting up free wireless network for personal devices. Think about the network first and not the device (e.g. getting all students the same device).
PDF of presentation: \\Ksfs1\educ\EED\DL\VSDL_Programs\Webinars\090819_mobiledevicesininstruction.pdf
Archived Presentation
Additional Resource - Trends Update on Online Learning Presentation: