Google Map has changed the way we navigate the world, explore places we can't even fly over or walk in to, and share places we want others to go to. It's easy to create your own map by dropping pins at points of interest, then adding text, photos or videos to those locations. Descriptions appear in the side panel, and viewers can click on them to be taken to that spot on the map.
The above video take you through the basics of creating a map. Your map has the features of any Google map - street or terrain view, the ability to turn on and view photos others have placed in the area, and zooming in and out. Here are some examples of how easy it is to make your map interesting. To add media you must first upload the media to a website and have the URL for each item available.
- To add a photo click the Rich Text button, then the photo icon. Enter the URL of the photo.
- For a video watch this video
- To change the pin, drop a pin, double-click it then click the blue Pin icon in the upper right corner of the window. Click another pin to choose it or click Add an Icon link and enter the URL of the new icon.
How can you use this? Have learners identify a place of interest, visit it and take picture using the GPS feature on their cameras or phones. Then they can construct a tour of the area with annotations to make the trip real to the viewers. It's possible for a group to create a map together as well.
This is step 1 of this map - stay tuned to see how it develops!