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How to Give Feedback and Recognition

The KS workshop titled "How to Give Feedback and Recognition” covered three main areas: Keys to Effective Feedback, Constructive Do’s and Don’ts and How to Recognize Staff Using Powerful Praise. Below are some key points:

Keys to Effective Feedback
  • Seek First to Understand

    • What happened?

    • Listen for understanding, not to respond

    • Rephrase back to confirm understanding

  • Then to be Understood

    • When You, I Feel, Because Formula:

      • When you …describe the Specific, Example or Event

      • I Feel … set the emotional hook.

      • Because…larger impact on you or others

  • Constructive Feedback

    • Only after both sides feel understood discuss, Next time

    • Next time is not about fixing blame it’s about fixing the problem

    • Agree on what we will do next time to get the desired result.

  • Characteristics of Effective Feedback

    • Frequent

    • Actionable

    • Specific

    • Two-way

Constructive Do’s and Don’ts

  • Do’s

    • Courageous conversations

    • Clean as you go

    • Remember the Magic Ratio: 3 Postivie:1 Negative

  • Don’ts

    • What we permit we promote

    • Don’t use email to deliver bad news

    • Never wait for a perfect time, there is none

How to Recognize Staff Using Powerful Praise

  • H.I.S Acronym

    • Heartfelt - People may not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel

    • Immediate - Never wait for perfection. If you want improvement, reward movement.

    • Specific - Nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific.


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