Social Media Revolution 2011 is a three minute video highlighting
some updated statistics about current levels of social media and mobile
technologies in 2011. If you've seen the Did You Know? videos, most of Social Media Revolution 2011 won't be anything new to you. One part that stands out in Social Media Revolution 2011 is, "we don't have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it?"
A "wouldn't it be nice" idea that's been around a while is the ability to tag a map with images that are linked to more information about the site. Kelly C suggested it as a way for students to share knowledge about a cultural/historic site or the geographic area they live in with classmates. (right, no addresses!) There are now cameras and even storage media that embed latitude and longitude into images as they are shot. But you don't need fancy new toys to do this. I tried Flickr's geotagging map and it's fun and supereasy. Want to try it? Log in to Flickr Sign in as " techedine " password " wist101 " yea, corny. Click the " You " tab then the " Your Photostream > Map " or Organize > Your Map links. Click the Satellite link in the upper right. Cool view! (you may need Google Satellite downloaded). Images along the bottom of the screen with colored dots have already been droppe...