This post is courtesy of The Old Lady of ISC, with the intent that it may provide you with a short moment to sit back, exhale, and doodle. Replenishing our creative spirits, both as individuals and as a group, is paramount to our success in scaling the mountains of our divisional transition challenges. Depending on our personality types, how we do this takes divergent forms. For some, it may be performing 200 jumping-jacks in two minutes. For others, it may be lounging on the couch to quietly contemplate their navel. For yet others, they may have an inborn need to party 'til the cows come home. And for one or two, this may entail reading every book in the library about Africa (don't laugh, my mom read the entire inventory of 80+ such books that exists at the Hilo library).
However, I digress. Moving on . . .
Because of our many different and sometimes conflicting personalities and work styles, to move forward as a cohesive, happy, and productive group takes a collective effort. Each of us is dedicated to doing whatever it takes to be successful as a division. With that in mind, I found a worthwhile read titled "Creativity on a Dime." It contains some useful ideas of how to refresh and enhance the creative work environment that we aspire to. Also featured are some tips on what you can do to reignite your own creative spark. And best yet -- for little or no money!!! So, without further ado, I'll stop yakking and offer the aforementioned for your reading (and doodling) pleasure.