Pecha kucha is a strategy for sharing the perspectives of multiple contributors – 20 slides, 20 seconds each. When the slides are over the talk is over and discussion begins…or not. The phenomenon has become popular across the nation and internationally.
Why? Because to do it successfully one must distill the body of content to its essence and present it in a concise, logical and engaging way. The presentation must adhere to the timing of the automatically advancing slides, so words must be chosen carefully.
Direct your point.
Presentation experts Garr Reynolds and Guy Kawasaki have emphasized the importance of using “emotional intelligence” to reach the listener. A review of Kawasaki’s book “Enchantment” says “ we need enchantment most when aspiring to lofty, idealistic goals as well as when making especially difficult decisions, overcoming entrenched habits, defying a crowd, or proceeding despite delayed or nonexistent feedback.”
PowerPoint (or Keynote) Effects
The delivery mode is often PowerPoint, initially praised, then scorned as a presentation medium. Its animations and transitions are often criticized as distracting. However, take a look at some of the new effects that can, if not over or inappropriately used, create high impact with the right graphics. Advanced PowerPoint Effects #1
Sometimes it's a good idea to share what you create so it's reach is not limited to the time, space and persons in the moment of delivery. A free, easy source four recording and delivering video screen captures up to 5 minutes, then distributing them as a link is Jing by Techsmith Many apps export directly to YouTube, Screenflow 3.0 for the Mac ($99) exports to Vimeo, as well asYouTube, which Camtasia and other apps do.