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Web 3.0: The Next 5000 Days

"Web 3.0" Kevin Kelly, Wired Magazine

Web 3.0 is the next evolutionary step of the internet and is defined by people in the industry who visualize what the internet will be like in the next 10 years. It is estimated that Web 2.0 will run until 2010, so Web 3.0 will be from 2010-2020. The visions of industry experts vary on what they think Web 3.0 will bring, but a general picture emerges with the following characteristics:

  1. Personalized internet experience
  2. Search engines will capture user profiles and understand the context of your search words thus providing personalized search results
  3. These personalized experiences will be gotten through small, fast, highly customizable applications that are pieced together and run on any device (PC or mobile device) with distribution through social networks (no store purchase) and data being stored in the cloud.
  4. More “data” will be stored in the “cloud” (online) that will act as a master database and be the foundation of your personalized experiences online. Web 3.0 applications will draw and add to this database.
  5. The digital and atom world will start to converge

One simple description of Web 3.0 stated: “Really, it’s just Web 2.0 with a brain. The revolution is about data, and making it all smarter. What’s going to be different about Web 3.0 is that it’ll be the intelligent web.” -Kevin Kelly, Wired Magazine

Now open your mind and watch Kevin Kelly of Wired Magazine present his vision of Web 3.0 and what the next 5000 days will bring. The video is about 42 minutes. His presentation is only 23 minutes and the rest is a Q&A session.


Dorothy said…
Mahalo Clinton for posting. I found the concept of Web 3.0 to be very interesting and am excited to see what the Web will look like in another 5000 days. It is evident everything drills down to data, right up your alley Clinton :) I have to admit, it is a little scary to know that so much of my personal data could potentially be floating out in cyberspace and accessible by others anytime.

The one thing I can't wait for is the consolidation of Web 2.0 applications to have 1 login. Always good to spend some time to listen to thoughts about the future.
Anonymous said…
Interesting video Clinton. The speaker had interesting insight into the industry. I'll be exciting to see what web 3.0 actually looks like & how close his projections are. I have to agree with Dorothy in that what he said about consolidating information & linking everyone's data is scary although, it could also allow for more accountability in your actions. Talk about "Big Brother".

I also liked the term Network Effects that he used & his analogy to the fax machine. It got me thinking about Distance Learning & if that we need a stronger "Network Effect" to build capacity in our programs. It's just a matter of convincing... but how? :)

Looking forward to seeing what web 3.0 has instore. I better get cracking with web 2.0 before I get left too far behind. ;)

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