Awakening(s) Through Connection Conference - Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Educational Practice
Awakening(s) Through Connection Conference
Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Educational Practice
Friday, October 13, Windward Community College
As the title of the conference implies was an opportunity for people to come together to learn about and discuss the integration of indigenous knowing into contemporary educational practice. It was organized by UH and the Wo Global Learning Champions (WoGLC).
The conference exceeded my expectation by not only providing several examples of HCBE integration, but further validated for me that HCBE and STEAM can work in harmony with each other to invigorate learning opportunities. As a bonus, many of the presenters made a point to include activities for the participants during the sessions.
Some sessions that were attended included:
- Using indigenous knowledge to generate scientific hypotheses
- Kalāhū : A PD seminar on teaching and learning through the ‘āina (Teach through the culture)
- Student Success through EthnoSTEM
I look forward to applying my new ʻike immediately since my role in many of our projects is to focus on HCBE/STEAM integration.
Hopefully WoGLC will decide to hold a second Awakening(s) Through Connection Conference would recommend attending. I'm not aware of any other opportunities that offer so many examples of HCBE / STEAM integration with such practical examples as this conference.
Collaborative notes for the day can be found here.