TCC 21st Online Conference – Virtual Makerspace (#tcc21st)
Make the Future! Create a Virtual Makerspace
Make the Future! Create a Virtual Makerspace
Feb. 25, 2016
During this session, we explain and discuss makerspaces and how to leverage the maker movement in online education.
The tinker spirit asks, “How does that works? What would that look like? How can we do it better?”
Speaker: Cynthia Calongne – CTU & CCCOnline
Presentation --
Recording -
The three types of spaces we live in:
Home/work/social == heart/mind/body
1st space is where we spend the most time (home)
2nd space is typically school/work
3rd space is the area to socialize (feed the spirit)
Can we blend meaningful play in everything you do
Make things, share things, meet with others
List of Physical Makerspaces:
Web Resources for Virtual Makers
The TL Virtual Cafe is committed to creating conversations about teacher-librarians, educational technology, and collaborative connections to facilitate meaningful and lifelong learning skills.
Welcome to the America's Greatest Makers digital experience.Tune in every week for the latest news and weekly digital episodes as we spotlight innovative creations from the maker-sphere.
We create games focused on scientific discovery, discovering optimal learning pathways for STEM education, cognitive skill training , and games that explore collective over individual intelligence. - During genius hour students of all levels are empowered to explore their
own passions. Discover how to transform your classroom into a place
where students want to come in and learn.
Image Chef
MIT App Inventor - android
teaching with app inventor
Project Siena - Design Windows Apps with this easy to use programming tool from Microsoft (UKEdChat Article
Blockly – Coding from Google
Scratch – MIT
Use it to generate the code for you
Notegraphy – share your presentations – resources