This course served as an introduction into the doctoral program to acquaint learners with doctoral level scholarly writing, researching, thinking, and discussion. Considering my master's program was heavily writing intensive, my major take away was synergizing information to provoke thought.
The cohort is made up of a variety of educators ranging from kumu to po‘o. As I reflect on how class discussions and activities impact our work, I MUA comes to mind.
Infinitude - Distance Learning and Blended/Online is not a trend. It will continue to evolve and is likely to become a part of the DNA of teaching and learning practices.
Methodical - As we adapt and innovate, it's important to be abreast of theory and frameworks that can strategically guide our work. Theories and models to consider for promoting best practices in blended and online learning include the: Theory of Hybrids, The Blended Learning Curriculum (BLC) Model, and a Heutogogical Approach. This is certainly not an exhaustive list or highlighting the most effective, simply recommendations for review.
Unique - Differentiation and personalization are essential to meet learners where they are. This is critically important as we are educating across generations where a hui of learners' tech. levels will vary in alignment to the:
SAMR model
Diffusion of Innovation Theory
Aloha - To develop a World Class Educational System, Hawaiian Culture Values should be the wai that flows through the growth and development activities that ready us to compete globally.