ISTE 2014 was held in Atlanta Georgia from June 28-July 1 at the Georgia World Congress Center and had over 16,000 attendees. It was a very memorable and insightful experience and my first time attending a conference with so many attendees. The theme this year was: Connected learning. Connected world. After reflecting on my ISTE experience, I gained the high level perspective that most sessions and keynotes were all contributing to the importance of personalized learning, authentic learning experiences and assessments to challenge students to gain the skills, mindset, attitudes and motivation to be successful no matter what challenges they face. An understanding of who we are as learners and educators and how we can excel in a changing 21st century was evident throughout the conference.
Opening Keynote
The conference started off with an opening Keynote with Ashley Judd an actress and humanitarian. Her keynote though not focused on educational technology told her very personal story of her childhood filled with molestation, abandonment and a dysfunctional family. She reminded educators to not underestimate their ability to make a big impact in a troubled child’s life with seemingly little things like words of encouragement and eye contact. See ISTE attendee thoughts about her keynote below.
Session Highlights
Game Design and Development: Pedagogically Speaking
Adults underestimate what kids can do
Students learning game design and development were in middle school
Why Game Design and Development
91% of kids 2-17 play video games
Nice entry point into computer science
Distinction between doing and understanding
Playability is a crucial test for students
Lowers barrier of entry to Computer Science
Student driven learning
Democratic environment
Student’s develop skills and are exposed to:
Computational thinking
Iterative Design: Play Test -> Evaluate -> Collaborate -> Refine
Problem solving
Coding, debugging
Project management
Time management
Design thinking
Critical thinking
Student Reflection
Changed perceptions of who a programmer is and looks like
learned to never give up
Work in large groups
Game Design Tools
Introductory Tools: appropriate for younger kids and middle school. Introduce students to design elements
Jeff Charbonneau closed the ISTE 2014 conference with his keynote focused on “What if.” He reminded the audience to keep kids at the center of what we do and that good teaching hasn’t changed, just the tools. Also, as educators we must give our students the skills and techniques then allow them the freedom to grow and become independent thinkers, problem solvers to be successful in no matter what they encounter in the future. He asked educators, What if:
We started looking at different things? What if we all started working together?
We get asked to do something we know NOTHING about, and we just say “Yes”.
The desire to invent, the desire to create was what drove you? What if it gave you the courage to do something different?
We had the courage?
We asked our students to be a little more self-sufficient? BEFORE we made them more group-sufficient.
We accepted the fact that we don’t have to be pigeon-holed into our subject areas?
We abandoned our comfort zones? We dress and act differently for our kids, why don’t we do it in other areas? What if we got uncomfortable for our profession? It’s time we got uncomfortable!
A "wouldn't it be nice" idea that's been around a while is the ability to tag a map with images that are linked to more information about the site. Kelly C suggested it as a way for students to share knowledge about a cultural/historic site or the geographic area they live in with classmates. (right, no addresses!) There are now cameras and even storage media that embed latitude and longitude into images as they are shot. But you don't need fancy new toys to do this. I tried Flickr's geotagging map and it's fun and supereasy. Want to try it? Log in to Flickr Sign in as " techedine " password " wist101 " yea, corny. Click the " You " tab then the " Your Photostream > Map " or Organize > Your Map links. Click the Satellite link in the upper right. Cool view! (you may need Google Satellite downloaded). Images along the bottom of the screen with colored dots have already been droppe...
Aloha kākou, I while back, I learned about this product from a presentation at the eSchool conference. The speaker was so excited about Scratch and was having so much fun demonstrating it that my mind began racing immediately. "I could use it in `Ike Hawai`i courses and I bet I could use it to develop tons of activities for the A`o Makua `ōlelo Hawai`i courses". Then, reality set in as I returned to work intending to try it out after I finished my "next" task. Well, you know how that goes. 7 months later, I finally took a stab at it out of necessity of course. I really wanted some type of activity to teach my students about different Kapu in old Hawai`i without having them just read a list of them. So, what it Sratch? Simply put, it's a developer's tool (a very inexpereinced developer like myself). It allows you to create activities and games using "coding" that is in a drag and drop format. The codes are pre-written & range from phrases like ...
I thought I’d share this web application I came across in my quest to find a relatively simple app to help us manage our mentoring data in the DL Orientation. Our specific needs were that it be a free online database, password protected, had the capability of rapid form development without too much programming knowledge and was easy for the end user to use. The application that met these requirements was Zoho Creator ( ) a part of a suite of online applications including word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, wikis, organizers and more. What’s great about Zoho Creator is that they have an online repository of applications already developed that you can download to your account and use for free. Initially, I tried some of these applications, but it was overkill for our needs. Zoho Creator can do a lot if you know programming and they have a pay model where it allows you more flexibility and features. I think Zoho Creator would be a useful tool for both...