Just posting here to keep track of resources I find.
How to read FB stats
50 ways to grow your email list
Responding on social media
Google Analytics primer
And here are my notes from the first meeting of the Social Media Hui. There was a presentation from Neenz Falafine about building relationships. She says the most important things for SM are:
How to read FB stats
50 ways to grow your email list
Responding on social media
Google Analytics primer
And here are my notes from the first meeting of the Social Media Hui. There was a presentation from Neenz Falafine about building relationships. She says the most important things for SM are:
-art of the story
Neenz definition of social media: “the use of technology to
communicate and collaborate with people across the globe to build a community
rich in culture.”
She describes how social media should work:
receiving feedback, collaboration (power of getting things
to move; mediating with policy, setting up boundaries), must be two way, then
it becomes a culture (eg, virtual mancave of slimjim on twitter)
-culture: building comfort, making people feel like they
belong, psychology of sharing (bringing value and entertainment; defining
ourselves to others (contentwise); relationships (keeping in touch);
self-fulfillment; marketing (incorporating these elements)
What are the types of people who use social media?
-Altruist (forwarding emails)
-Careerist (linkedin for
stepping stone)
-Hipster (those who get social media and comfortable sharing)
-Boomerangs (post to wait for reaction; people who live in the comments
section—do not engage, but internally decide if what they say is valid and take
care of it if so, thank and see if there’s anything else)
-Connectors (groupon,
living social, things that are going on—planning an event around your event)
-Selectives (prolly 90% of internet; email primarily, lurkers, share only once
trust is gained)
How do we gain trust in social media?
-Move-in (link to policy “If your post is not related
to this subject… it may be deleted” and have screen capture), office hours,
expectations for page, fb hours)
-Listen (give them info that they find valuable—listen
to find out, read: Google Analytics)
-Being neighborly (liking other internal
-Increase property value (provide value, make everyone else’s online
real estate more valuable)
-Be good to each other
Being ALIVE in social media (Analytics in the creation of
schedule, Leverage for valuable pages, Ideate to decide what to say,
Value=publish, Engage-identify top fans, respond by first names)
-increasing the percentage of engagement (shares, likes,
comments), not the number of likes/fans
-1% is a great clickthru rate on fb
Things that work: photos with engaging subtitle, asking
questions to get stories from others, stories tied to photos, be brief.
Some questions for us to consider:
1. how do we make our employees feel they belong? Our
2. getting people to share
3. who is our #1 fan? Those 5-10 people are the people you
want to build relationship with, who will reshare for you
4. expectations for fb/social media pages
5. get other ks’ facebook pages—being neighborly
6. one day of the week for polls, funny stuff, memories, etc
for another day of the week?
7. editorial calendar quarterly, half a year? KS-wide maybe
8. use twitter to push to somewhere else; use fb to pull in
engagement; youtube for how-to
9. use the online tool for the objectives you want to achieve
10. use of hashtags