Rarely does something spring from nothing; far more often seedlings spring from, well, from seeds. And seeds come from trees. And.. Well, you get the picture. Just like forests, organizations and teams do not spring from nothing. History and energy are embodied not only in the products teams produce, but in the workers themselves. The adaptive cycle addresses growth, change, conservation and renewal. Take a minute and read about the adaptive cycle: http://www.peopleandplace.net/perspectives/2009/1/26/collapse_and_renewal How does this fit in with the role of organizations and individuals? How can we use it for innovation, stability and social change? This link offers some good ideas: http://tamarackcommunity.ca/ssi9.html Here's the exerpt: Panarchy: A Summary Writing Getting to Maybe Brenda, Michael and Frances have all been involved in change efforts and have also been teachers, hoping to build experience and competencies in their student...
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