Kel and I attended this training by Keith Ayers last Thursday. It dealt with understanding your dimension of behavior (similar to work style), but focused on behavior tendencies.
Here's a summary of the four behavior types:
- Dominance - direct, results-oriented, strong-willed and forceful.
- Influence - outgoing, enthusiastic, optimistic and lively.
- Steadiness - even-tempered, accommodating, patient and humble.
- Conscientiousness - analytical, reserved, precise and systematic.
The most applicable pieces of information shared at the workshop was learning the strengths and fears of each type. If you know someone's DiSC profile, you can build on their strengths, but be conscious of trying not to feed their fears.
Here's a chart showing four characteristics and a spectrum of whether or not it is strength or limitation for each behavior type.
Strength Potential Limitation
Acceptance Steadiness, Influence Conscientious, Dominance
Openness Influence, Dominance Steadiness Conscientious
Straightforwardness Dominance, Conscientious Influence, Steadiness
Reliability Conscientious, Steadiness Dominance, Influence
Here's more interesting info. regarding the need and fear for each behavior type:
Style: Dominance
Need: Achievement
Fear: Loss of control
Style: Conscientiousness
Need: Correctness and privacy
Fear: Criticism of what they do
Style: Steadiness
Need: Acceptance
Fear: Disappointing others
Style: Influence
Need: Recognition
Fear: Loss of influence
When you understand people's fears, you can better understand their behaviors to certain situations. I bet some of you can guess what you are without taking the assessment. Kel and I came out as "S" or steadiness, but I have a feeling I'm high in the "I" style as a secondary type and Kel is a strong "S."
If you're interested, Kel and I have workbooks on how strategies in working with each type.