In talking with one of the ITRT's, campus teachers use Google for all kinds of things when it comes to teaching and learning for the classroom. We recently attended a workshop by Northwestern University, who has integrated Google with Blackboard.
To see more about this go to and click on sign up. Once there, click on the button that says 'are you a student'. A popup screen will appear and you will be asked for the following information:
Institution: Northwestern University, Cook
Instructor: Brian Neilsen
Take a look as his course as he explains how Bboogle is used or how it can be used in Blackboard.
Here are some thoughts after the presentation and discussion:
This would be a good product for teachers to integrate what they currently do in Google. From the student perspective, do we want students to use this? Because Google is outside and basically what the program does is a single sign-on for Blackboard and Google, there could be a few security issues and no control. Also, there is no tracking because it is from Google and you cannot do any grading. The presenter did not show if it is possible for students to upload documents from Google Docs as assignments to Blackboard.
Currently, there is a pilot that is going to be rolled out for Live@edu. I did not see any schools (K-12 or post-secondary) presenting on this and how it is integrated. So, we will have to wait and see.