Here are 5 things that the trainer mentioned that may help us use it better:
- Explorer View - We've learned to use Actions > Open with Windows Ex
plorer. Using explorer view allows you to do similar navigation, drag and drop but through the browser.

3. Search - It was more about understanding the search functionality. When you enter a search term, it has to be an exact match to a word in the file. It doesn't do partial searches. There is also a wait period after you upload a file for it to be indexed (it is dependent on the server crawler settings).
4. Creating Document directly on SharePoint - I tend to save a file locally and upload it but the trainer suggested we save time by creating the documents directly on SharePoint (using the "New" document). Also, when creating a document, you can put the url (e.g. you have to remove this portion of the URL "Forms/AllItems.aspx") directly into the save box and it will save the file directly to SharePoint.
5. Integrating with Outlook - This was more of a reminder. Syncing the SharePoint Calendar (Actions > Connect to Outlook) with your Calendar on Outlook allows you to do overlays and copy things from one calendar to the other.
I have a manual that anyone is free to take a look at :)
What version of SharePoint are you folks using? 2010? Your menus look a bit different than what I am currently working with--which is 2010.
I have just begun exploring SharePoint. It's exciting to learn about the possibilities for collaborative use. Especially exciting is the ability to interact with SharePoint sites and pages directly from the MS 2010 suite.