So what's all the fuss about. I've been asking myself the same thing but it's time to jump in or move out of the way. Literally, move out of the way and be bypassed :) I really only have my toes in vs. jumping in but at least I'm present. Just like Facebook (which I'm only accepting friends and not much else) I have an account for Twitter but no tweets from me yet. So if you haven't already dove, followed and tweeted now is the time to sign-up: The video on the homepage from Common Craft was my favorite part so don't forget to check that out.
Brent shared some resources with us and I wanted you to read them and post your comments in addition to your experience with Twitter:
- Use Twitter the Smart Way:
"If you’re publishing content, undertaking online marketing, and looking to keep up with the latest trends in anything web related then Twitter should be featuring highly as a ‘weapon of choice’." For marketing, this is someplace we definitely need to be. - Twitter for Academia:
Class chatter, building community - an educator's perspective
Once you're all set to go, you can follow us: If you have any interesting DL Tweets, please send them to Dorothy. She'll be extra appreciative if we can all pitch in to the daily updates.
After tweeting for a couple of weeks now, I found it to be pretty easy to update. With a max of 150 characters, it makes you condense everything and think about what you'd like to really tweet about. Although it was very easy to tweet, thinking about what to place in the updates to keep the interest of our DL followers made it more difficult for me. I haven't downloaded TweetDeck or anything to manage at this point in time, although I was able to pull the Twitter RSS feed directly into my Google Reader. I also like how it archives everything. Now I just go to one place to reference any type of campaigns we've done, etc. instead of trying to find the email that had the link.
I'm always looking for good Tweets to place up, so I'm looking forward to our discussions. The last I checked today, we had 46 followers. Not bad I think considering that I didn't follow everyone who followed me. I linked up to the news publications and several Hawaiian initiatives in hopes they'll keep updated with what happens in our arena.
Looking forward to everyone else's thoughts.
I jumped (or should I say flew) in, too and created an account just to see what the hype is about. I haven't added any "tweets," but I am following our KSDL updates and a few others just to get an idea of what others post. I briefly looked at Magpie and thought that might be a way to use Twitter to help us with marketing. It's not free, but might be worth paying for. We'll look in to it more in our next Web Strategies meeting. I was thinking to be able to include "tweets" that others might be interested in, we could possibly say what's happening in some of our A`o Makua courses. Something like "Learning Hawaiian moon phases mele in A`o Makua Malama Aina course" or "Developing Hawaiian language memory game for next A`o Makua olelo Hawai`i class" tweets that can give people a more in depth glimpse at what we do. Just a thought . . .
Mahalo for posting, Christy!
Thanks for sharing. Hopefully this will be a great way to bring in more of our target audience. I think by linking up with other organizations will also help us increase our following.
One last comment, I think Clinton's idea of doing giveaway tweets is a good one. Send out a "register for A`o Makua in the next hour & get 5 bucks off your next course" or something like that might be a good incentive.