While searching for an OWAU piece to share I came across this site with a list of tons of Web 2.0 applications http://www.go2web20.net/. Some are familiar topics like social networking sites, blogs, share your life story online, share your photos, you get the idea. What I also found was that there were many applications for new ideas, well new to me anyway. I started by just clicking around & looking what was posted, until I realized that there are literally hundreds of applications listed on this site. The good thing is that you can search using tags. Since we’re focusing on marketing this year, I found a few applications that might be useful; of course there are still others on this site too.
Add This http://www.addthis.com/ This site allows you to create a button & add it to your website. What does the button do? It makes it easier for people to share and promote your content. By clicking on the button the information goes back to a social networking site. This program also provides statistics about how readers are bookmarking & sharing your content.
ContestMachine http://contestmachine.com/
This program helps you to run contests easily on your website by providing an easily accessible widget. There is a free version or you can pay $9 a month. Not that we run a lot of contests but, it’s something to keep in mind.
Tell_a-Friend http://tellafriend.socialtwist.com/index.jsp
Another site that allows you to create a button to add to your website for easy social bookmarking. Depending on the package you chose you can also add blob, email, and instant messages as you share more information about the site you’re promoting. There’s even an option for giveaways & promotions.
Prohmote http://www.prohmote.com/
This site allows you to easily add an event to the web. It looks like it’s still in its early stages & might be something to keep an eye on. There’s not a lot of info about it right now.
Add This http://www.addthis.com/ This site allows you to create a button & add it to your website. What does the button do? It makes it easier for people to share and promote your content. By clicking on the button the information goes back to a social networking site. This program also provides statistics about how readers are bookmarking & sharing your content.
ContestMachine http://contestmachine.com/
This program helps you to run contests easily on your website by providing an easily accessible widget. There is a free version or you can pay $9 a month. Not that we run a lot of contests but, it’s something to keep in mind.
Tell_a-Friend http://tellafriend.socialtwist.com/index.jsp
Another site that allows you to create a button to add to your website for easy social bookmarking. Depending on the package you chose you can also add blob, email, and instant messages as you share more information about the site you’re promoting. There’s even an option for giveaways & promotions.
Prohmote http://www.prohmote.com/
This site allows you to easily add an event to the web. It looks like it’s still in its early stages & might be something to keep an eye on. There’s not a lot of info about it right now.
I personally searched for some Web site/content mangagement systems since we're moving in that direction. I would like to revamp our own Web site and have a tool to promote to others who are looking for support with getting Web sites up. I truly believe that a CMS type tool is the only way to go if you want people to maintain their own content. I found four different sites:
By the time I looked at everyone else's recommendations, I didn't have much time to explore other sites.
I did, however, sign up for this site called Family Mingle (http://www.family-mingle.com) to see if it was easy to use. Thoughts that went through my mind was possible integrating with our A'o Makua genealogy course or activity that could be integrated with our 'Ike HI courses for students to connect to their 'ohana (beginning activity). I set up my account and added family members within a couple of minutes. It even allows you to send an email invitation to family members or upload family photos. Didn't have a chance to dive into scheduling family outings, another attractive feature. If any of you try it out, let me know what you think.
Can't get over how easy the other tools were to add to your site. I tried the event thing but got a page of code. Maybe you put that into your page? Wasn't sure where to go next.
It's interesting how one find leads to the next. What a rich environment there is out there today. Thanks for finding some gems.