The ISC department
has recently purchased the tutorial for Painter 11 which consist of one dvd and a book tutorial in using Painter
11. I found both tutorials rewarding and easy to follow.
I was amazed at the
variety of media, and brushes that mimic painting, drawing, sketching. Pressure
sensitive digital tablet mimics sketching with thick and thin lines govern by
how much pressure you put on your stylus. There are wide variety of brushes to use to
get different effects in painting. You can even swap out different type of
papers. The versatility of the program is incredible. You can use sumi brush,
watercolor, pastel, airbrush, pencil. I can see how sketching on a tablet can
save you time by not having to scan it. Just put the sketch on one layer and
start painting on in on another layer.
I had fun using the
oil painting palette. I had never experience painting in oils but in Painter
has allowed me to learn about the medium. I love the brushstrokes that you can
create along with the thick paint texture
that can achieved using the Painter program.
I know there is still
a lot to learn in Painter but I am happy with the results of my first attempt.
I can see how learning this program will help me expand my skills for various
projects within ISC. I can see using these skills for special projects covers
for brochures and anytime you want something with a lot of mood or capturing a
certain type of lighting on an image. This will broaden the amount of styles
that we can offer to our clients.
Mahalo, Kelly