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Showing posts from June, 2012
Krys' Quick Blog Post - mLearnCon Conference, San Jose Calafornia. I wanted to share out some pictures on the event and will be posting more information and links after our sharing out with our ISC Ohana. General Welcome, Main Ballroom. Over 875 folks in attendance. The conference kicked off with high energy. The event was well organized with a lot of amazing overlapping breakout sessions. Vendors and experts from all around the globe talk about integrating mobile learning on the iDevices and tablets with a focus of compatability for technology and learning. Many discussions about taking advantage of the "hands-on" experience on a mobile device and how this experience adds value to learning. Very excited to actualy speak face to face with the experts of Lectora! In addition, we were able to talk story with the faces behind BlackBoard Mobile, Centurion, Cisco, and a wealth of other leading mobile developers and programming experts that create or supp...

Online Colored Pencil Class Update

Wrapping up the 6-lesson online colored pencil class I’ve been enrolled in for the past several months comes with a feeling of accomplishment. I’m currently looking forward to the instructor’s critique of my rendering for the final lesson tomorrow. This online class has afforded me a golden opportunity to further my artistic skills while ensuring that my full-time job and personal life weren’t compromised. It allowed for lesson completion flexibility as I worked simultaneously on a major graphics project for KS/Enrichment. I’m very pleased with my teacher’s knowledgeable instruction as well as her gracious and encouraging communication. Learning new techniques in color use and layering are helping me to efficiently complete complex drawings in less time. You may view Bet Borgenson Studio for online information and to view student galleries at: Several examples from my lessons follow: Lesson #2: Juxtapose a variety of col...

Innovation at play

During some down time at the mobile conference, I wandered to the tech museum to just check it out.  While I was there, I began to notice the school kids there, and how the tech museum engaged them as learners.  It got me to thinking of way we can engage our learners.  Learning come from playing... Below are a couple of videos I shot of the children playing with the exhibits.
The ISC department has recently purchased the tutorial for Painter 11 which consist of   one dvd and a book tutorial in using Painter 11. I found both tutorials rewarding and easy to follow. I was amazed at the variety of media, and brushes that mimic painting, drawing, sketching. Pressure sensitive digital tablet mimics sketching with thick and thin lines govern by how much pressure you put on your stylus.   There are wide variety of brushes to use to get different effects in painting. You can even swap out different type of papers. The versatility of the program is incredible. You can use sumi brush, watercolor, pastel, airbrush, pencil. I can see how sketching on a tablet can save you time by not having to scan it. Just put the sketch on one layer and start painting on in on another layer. I had fun using the oil painting palette. I had never experience painting in oils but in Painter has allowed me to learn about the medium. I love the brushstrokes that you...

Infographics: Data, Aesthetics, Function

Recently, created an infographic/handout to accompany Terry Kelly’s presentation on CBECE’s technology assessment survey for the upcoming KS tech conference. Having interned at a newspaper in 19XX, I was under the misapprehension that I knew infographics. However after receiving notes from Dorothy about an infographic Robin and I created for the KSDL newsletter in December, I realized I had a lot to learn. After some research, I found out that although the general idea of an infographic has remained the same, the aesthetic and dynamism of an infographic has grown and expanded. Earlier infographics were a simple, fun way to represent numbers or statistics and create visual interest on an otherwise printed page as an accompaniment to an article. Contemporary infographics are often stand-alone illustrations that integrate several types of information, including histories, concepts, and processes. Through reading a bunch of online articles (see links to the most useful below),here are ...