I recently had the pleasure of attending ED-Media 2009 World Conference on Educational Media, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications held at the Sheraton Waikiki. There was over 700 presentations throughout the week. This included virtual presentations as well.
The first day was pre-conference workshops and tutorials. I was able to attend two tutorials. The one that I learned from and had things we could possible use was titled “Putting the Media in ED-Media: The ‘How Do I Do It?’” The presenter was Anthony Klejna from Daemen College in Amherst, New York. He talked about the following media: Video/Audio, Rich Media, Streaming, Progressive download, Flash, Podcasts, IPTV, iTV, Media Servers, HTTP “streaming” and more. One of the things that was of interest was the Podcasting and Vlogs portion of his presentation. One of the myths he dispelled was that iPods were needed for podcasting. I never thought about it but he was correct. He went through the process of cr...
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