Aloha käkou,
With the recent DOE report to the Senate saying that they (DOE) "underestimated the demand for on-line learning and they now have a goal that by 2011-2012, each student has to take at least one class on-line," I've been thinking that this could finally be the break-through that we need in Hawai`i in regards to considering distance learning as not only a viable, but also a valuable, alternative to f2f classes and even brick & mortar schools. I found this article in the Threshold magazine that's a quarterly journal dedicated to education and technology. It's done in collaboration with NACOL and seems like a very good resource. I liked the article because it's done in a forum with leaders in the online learning field giving their opinion on "What does the future of onlinel earning look like?" So, before you read the short (sorry, yes it is only text) article, think about what your answer to this question would be? Will the future be a hybrid model of both brick & mortar and online options? Will learning be done entirely online? Will students become the drivers of their own education plans/goals and be able to achieve them through many different vehicles? Here are some of the quotes I liked:
"We will have to incorporate online learning into our general approach to education or today’s students will find schooling irrelevant with the realities of the rest of their lives."
"The word that comes to mind for me is pervasive. And I think this incorporates some of the comments already made, depending on how far we look into the future.My sense is that our concept of that is either/or: It is either in a classroom or it is online. In the future, it is going to be pervasive, so we will not really know the difference." - The ATM analogy for education is a good one, too - don't skip that section.
"I think a change in mindset from the original, which might have been, "Well, this (online learning) is a good option for really, really motivated independent students.” We are going to have to make that change." - to make it accessible and meaningful to all students.
Here's a link to the article "The Future of Online Learning - A Threshold Forum" Looking forward to hearing your mana`o on the future of online learning or what your favorite quotes were! For you visual learner, I don't want you to be too disappointed so here's a link to another resource from Threshold magazine illustrating how virtual schools and online learning work. Christy, you'll like this one :) Virtual Schools and Online Learning - How it works
Happy reading (sorry, no cool program to try this time),
With the recent DOE report to the Senate saying that they (DOE) "underestimated the demand for on-line learning and they now have a goal that by 2011-2012, each student has to take at least one class on-line," I've been thinking that this could finally be the break-through that we need in Hawai`i in regards to considering distance learning as not only a viable, but also a valuable, alternative to f2f classes and even brick & mortar schools. I found this article in the Threshold magazine that's a quarterly journal dedicated to education and technology. It's done in collaboration with NACOL and seems like a very good resource. I liked the article because it's done in a forum with leaders in the online learning field giving their opinion on "What does the future of onlinel earning look like?" So, before you read the short (sorry, yes it is only text) article, think about what your answer to this question would be? Will the future be a hybrid model of both brick & mortar and online options? Will learning be done entirely online? Will students become the drivers of their own education plans/goals and be able to achieve them through many different vehicles? Here are some of the quotes I liked:
"We will have to incorporate online learning into our general approach to education or today’s students will find schooling irrelevant with the realities of the rest of their lives."
"The word that comes to mind for me is pervasive. And I think this incorporates some of the comments already made, depending on how far we look into the future.My sense is that our concept of that is either/or: It is either in a classroom or it is online. In the future, it is going to be pervasive, so we will not really know the difference." - The ATM analogy for education is a good one, too - don't skip that section.
"I think a change in mindset from the original, which might have been, "Well, this (online learning) is a good option for really, really motivated independent students.” We are going to have to make that change." - to make it accessible and meaningful to all students.
Here's a link to the article "The Future of Online Learning - A Threshold Forum" Looking forward to hearing your mana`o on the future of online learning or what your favorite quotes were! For you visual learner, I don't want you to be too disappointed so here's a link to another resource from Threshold magazine illustrating how virtual schools and online learning work. Christy, you'll like this one :) Virtual Schools and Online Learning - How it works
Happy reading (sorry, no cool program to try this time),