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Showing posts from July, 2017

Online Teaching Conference 2017: Best Practices and Takeaways

Best Practices  In June of 2017, I attended the Online Teaching Conference (OTC) in Anaheim, California. Interestingly enough, this conference was originally catered to CCC educators, staff, and/or administration, being that there are over 100 community colleges in the state of California.   However, over the years, other external people have heard about the conference and wanted to learn from such a successfully school system, one of the largest community college systems in the nation as a matter of fact! The California Community College (CCC) System really does a great job of collaboration and forming a strong online community. They created a site called the Professional Learning Network (PLN) that all CCC faculty can access and collaborate on. This reminds me of our monthly Professional Learning Community (PLC) as we utilize this time to learn from each other as well as share our knowledge with others who have interest. It would be great if we could form s...

FocusOn Learn Conference 2017 Top 3 Takeaways

Attending my first eLearning Guild FocusOn Learn Conference highlighting mobile, games, and video was fulfilling. I look forward to implementing and sharing the many new skills I have learned. Ma ka hana ka ʻike. In working one learns. [ #2088 ] The ʻōlelo noʻeau above describes my experience. One key quote that stuck with me from a session was to budget in " 5+ minutes of playtime daily. " [Take away #1] In order to stay innovative and engaged, we need to cognizantly build in playtime, especially when we have such busy lives. Since returning home, although I have not been able to integrate daily play time, I have increased my time to explore new apps or ideas that come up. I explored the Word Swag app an tweeted for my first play time since the conference ended. My take away #2 was not something new, but a good reminder that the field of instructional design continues to evolve. Although mobile, games, video, virtual reality (VR) are key trends at the moment, it...