This year WIPCE 2014 was held at Kapi‘olani Community College in our hometown of Honolulu, Hawaii. With WIPCE being in Honolulu this year, it presented a unique opportunity for many KSDL staff, including myself, to attend and present at an international conference of world indigenous peoples. The presentations that I attended were all very culturally enlightening, inspiring and demonstrated many presenters’ dedication to save their culture and uplift their people’s lives. Each presenter had their own unique story and method of strengthening their culture through mobile learning, storytelling, dance, research, gaming, and art. One mobile learning presentation I attended focused on teaching the M ā ori language and culture through a mobile app called Te P ūmanawa. In the session we were able to test the app and see an accompanying website that included cultural video clips, images, interactivities, and quizzes. The presenter express...
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