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Showing posts from November, 2012

A few Photoshop retouching tips

I have decided for my blog that I would give a few pointers in Photoshop retouching.  I will be presenting a few tips with the burn tool for hair, the healing brush tool for wrinkles and spot healing brush tool for imperfections. With just these few tools you can do a pretty good job of cleaning up some of the imperfections of a image. Below is a before and after image of my touch up of Mr. 007. Here are a couple video tutorials for photoshop retouching tips and tricks. Skin retouching Changing hair and eye color Darkening gray hair

Schools of the Future: Acquiring and Representing Knowledge

This year's Schools of the Future conference was an information-rich event. When we think of the future, more than a few of us probably also think of technology. That association certainly carries over in the interpretation of the conference title Schools of the Future . Indeed, many topics besides educational technology were covered; however, the technological advances were a strong highlight at the conference in my view. As mentioned in one of Cassie's previous posts , there are online classes everywhere. The first few links on my list reference ways to learn on your own (i.e., ways to acquire knowledge). The second set of links refer to ways of representing knowledge. **Note:  All icons link to the affiliated website.  Academic Earth has hundreds of free online lectures from prominent university professors, including Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, The University of Houston, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, MIT, Michigan State, Princeton, Rice, UCLA, UCSF, and the lis...

Highlights from the Adobe Photoshop SkillPath Seminar

Last week, Jenny Tanaka and I attended an Adobe Photoshop seminar in Waikiki at the DoubleTree hotel. A  few major benefits of attending seminars like this include the following: seeing what is possible in the program, becoming better equipped to do research into Photoshop's features, and watching a "Photoshop guru" put some tricks into action. In reviewing the highlights of the seminar, this post will focus on 3 things  having to do with beginner-level use of Photoshop: I.  Shortcuts II.  Tricks III.  Applications I. Shortcuts  One of the wonderful (albeit daunting) things about Photoshop is that there are multiple ways to do just about anything that needs doing. This can be pretty intimidating for a beginner, so it is good to start learning keyboard shortcuts if you want to start learning Photoshop. The early part of the conference went over a few of the shortcuts that our lecturers would be using throughout the day. ...