Westside Community Schools is using Blackboard in a blended environment. They have over 400 courses online that work in conjunction with face-to-face courses. They are using it in a way that I can see our campus using it and in the same process that I'm thinking for the hybrid course. The two teachers that shared showed how Blackboard becomes a central resource for communicating with students and seen the benefits of providing online resources to content (for students to return to and review if necessary). Part of the Webinar was to showcase 9.1. Each time and see the capabilities it makes me more and more excited. I think for teachers the standards alignment and the lesson plan builder will help them transition their content online. I'm ready to use it with the hybrid course! Archive link: https://blackboard.webex.com/blackboard/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=EC&rID=52356432&rKey=80ae29fce441f227
Kamehameha Schools Distance Learning Owau Blog