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Showing posts from August, 2008

Free talk - Photos and Video Documentary Storytelling Oct 11

I know its a long way off and you may or may not be interested but Pacific New Media is having a free talk by a film maker titled "Documentary Storytelling with Photography and Video and Possibilities for Education" Has anyone thought about how we or our students could use personally captured image and words to tell stories? What it could be like, how it could help them learn and shape perspectives? How to do it EASILY?

Fire Eagle, taking location to new heights

Another social opportunity, this time through Yahoo!. It's amazing to me how the Web is transforming everything we do, how we organize, make friends, find places to eat. This site integrates with other location dependent social networking sites to broadcast your location to the world. I thought it was an interesting concept for our students or adults to reach each other on a personal level and "see" where they all are. It's kind of like the dot on the map concept but taken to a whole new level. Take a look at their Application Gallery for other cool sites. I thought it could also be used for conference attendance or trips to keep people updated of where you are and what you're doing throught the social networking blog. Check out their blog for a video presentation of the tool., A Social Bookmarking Manager

I was introduced to this Web site awhile back, but haven't had a chance to create an account and play around with it. Therefore, I thought I'd use my owau opportunity to begin building our VSDL network so we can share great resources with each other. One of the main benefits of using this Web-based bookmarking tool is that you won't need to import or export bookmarks that are specific to a Web browser anymore. Once the toolbar is downloaded, it's also really simple to add a bookmark and tag words which allows for easy searching. To link to my bookmarks, just add me via my username "dohirata." Have fun and please let me know what you think about this site! Dorothy :)